Friday, May 8, 2020

Beowulf Essay Battle Comparison - 1266 Words

Beowulf essay: Battle comparison In the poem â€Å"Beowulf† the protagonist encounters three enemies of large proportions: Grendel the serpent, Grendel’s Mother, and a Dragon. All these creatures pose a large and terrifying threat that need a special protagonist to fight what the land’s strongest warriors could not accomplish. Before monks wrote this fabled tale in the form of a poem, Beowulf captured the attention of its listeners and teach them lessons about their cultural society and how to act in the society all in an oral fashion. Each battle has many similar environmental, physical, Moral, and cultural elements, but also differ in what elements were better represented from battle to battle. The environment of the three battles depicted in â€Å"Beowulf† have both minor and major similarities in addition to differences. The environment in which Beowulf fights changes in more detailed settings (with the exception of Grendel’s Mother) such as the type of terrain and territory that Beowulf faces. When word of the Danes’ troubles reached Beowulf and he traveled to Hrothgar’s kingdom, he stayed in a place surrounded by people of the same species which added a form of comfort despite him existing in a completely unfamiliar territory. Circumstances change with the Dragon because Beowulf had become King and gained even more knowledge of his territory. Not only did he challenge the Dragon on the terms that they fight on the land that he knew, he ruled the land of his people which addedShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of William Shakespeare s The Epic Of The English 1113 Words   |  5 PagesMadison Zuber Beowulf Essay Over time Beowulf, the oldest epic poem in the English language, has seen itself recreated through literature, graphic novels, music, opera and theatre, comics, board games, video games, and movies including Beowulf and Grendel directed by Sturla Gunnarsson which features actors such as Gerard Butler, Spencer Wilding, Sarah Polley, Stellan Skarsgard, Tony Curran and Mark Lewis. 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