Thursday, October 31, 2019

Chemical engineering assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Chemical engineering - Assignment Example The radioactive waste emanating from the plants entails care, which is dangerous to humanity where its impacts do not die out quickly. Consequently, this waste necessitates approximately 10,000 years of care and containing where it will be now safe if released to the environment. Besides, the construction of the plant does not ensure 100% secure; thus, there must be a probability of failure evident in the process where small accidents in the plant yields to devastating results (Dopinath 1240). This does not affect the workforce only, but the neighboring inhabitance and extending to unprotected regions where the waves may leak and inhabit the place rendering it unproductive. For illustration, this is evident in Hiroshima and Chernobyl disaster regions where to date those effects are evident (Ferguson 153). There is a high probability that Nuclear energy’s knowhow can yield to grievous results once it dawns on to some states that are ruthless, and notorious for terrorism attacks. Nuclear energy’s option knowhow, no matter how esteemed currently it may be, eventually this cannot be a reliable remedy for energy regardless of the states that advocate it (Dopinath 1236). This is because its negative impacts are worse and long-term compared to the

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Media and communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Media and communication - Essay Example The Harry Potter Fan Community is built around the series of seven fantasy novels that are written by J. K. Rowling going by the name of Harry Porter, and the series has attracted so much fanatical interest, that every release of a new series of the book has posed security threats in major cities of the world (Pyne, 2010:126). Thus, starting with interest built around the series of the fantasy novel, the Harry Potter Fan Community has metamorphosed over time into creating different other affiliates of the fan community, which then focuses on different other cultural, social and political issues within the society. This way, the once simply fanatical and craze interests in the novel series have turned into a fully-fledged socio-political activism, which is now driving major campaigns towards achieving socio-political changes. To achieve this transformation and buildup more fanatical following, the Harry Potter Fan Community has created a participatory culture, which is enlisting members’ cultural connections towards realizing more civic and political outcomes (Bennett, 2008:18). In this respect, various cultural practices of textual production and circulation in the digital world have been adopted. This discussion seeks to analyze the different cultural practices of textual production and circulation applied by the Harry Potter Fan Community, while also analyzing the transformative work they engage in, the cultural context of the group’s work and thus enhance the understanding of their culture and work. The digital world has completely changed the way textual production and circulation is done. While traditionally, the face-to-face methods were applied towards textual production and circulation by the fan communities, it has become exceedingly difficult to classify the textual production and circulation activities of the fans into specified categories, considering that the digital development has collapsed the initial

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Strategic Relations Between China and Pakistan

Strategic Relations Between China and Pakistan STRATEGIC RELATIONS BETWEEN CHINA AND PAKISTAN AND ITS IMPACT ON INDO PAK RELATIONS If your environment is changing, you must change with it. If you dont, you perish. Curtis E. Sahakian CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1. China is a modern developing country with good economic and political condition. It is the biggest ancient society with flair towards modern culture and values. China has very good relations with its neighbours like Pakistan. Pakistan was one of the first countries of the world to recognise China, and since then they have very good relations with each other. 2. Pakistan and China entered into a trade agreement in January 1963 which granted reciprocal Most Favoured Nation status in matters of commerce, trade and shipping. Trade between the border regions of China and Pakistan started in 1969 after the first protocol of trade was signed. This border trade has continued to grow with the patronage of both the countries. Further trade protocols have been signed over the years. The construction of the Karakoram Highway has helped to further trade and communication. Pakistan is an important country for China in trade. A lot of projects of economic development in Pakistan are in process with the co-operation of China which are creating lot ofjobs opportunityfor both Pakistan and China. METHODOLOGY STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM 4. This dissertation proposes to study and analyse the growing economic relations between Pakistan China, its impact on the security of India and to recommend measures to negate the same by India. HYPOTHESIS 5. Is the growing economic relations between Pakistan China having an adverse impact on the security of India? If yes, what actions should India take to negate them? JUSTIFICATION OF THE STUDY SCOPE 7. This study concentrates on analysing only the Economic relationship between Pakistan and China and the impact of the same on Indo Pak relations with special emphasis on Indias security. 8. The study is not looking into the military, diplomatic and nuclear relationship between the two countries and the impact these relations are having on Indias security and Indo Pak relations. METHODS OF DATA COLLECTION METHODS OF DATA ANALYSIS ORGANISATION OF THE DISSERTATION 11. It is proposed to study the subject in the following manner:- (a) Chapter II. Strategic Relationship and it scope. (b) Chapter III. Historical Perspective of strategic relations between Pakistan and China. (c) Chapter IV. Chinas â€Å"String of Pearls Policy† Pakistans place in it. (d) Chapter V. Growing economic ties between Pakistan and China. (e) Chapter VI. Security Issues for India. (f) Chapter VII. Recommendations to negate this strategic relationship by India. CHAPTER II STRATEGIC RELATIONSHIP AND ITS SCOPE Interest does not tie nations together; it sometimes separates them. But sympathy and understanding does unite them. -Woodrow T. Wilson No nation is an island. Because domestic policies are constantly affected by developments outside, nations are compelled to enter into dialogue with other nations or initiating entities or form alliance(s) for the purpose of enhancing their status internationally, or increasing their power or prestige and survival in the international system[1]. History The concept of strategic relations is quite old. Humans have been establishing governments and communicating with each other for thousands of years. However, it is generally agreed to that international relations truly began to emerge around the 15th century, when people started exploring the world and interacting with other governments and cultures. Organisations like the Dutch East India Company were among the first multinational corporations[2], while representatives of various European governments met with foreign governments to establish trade agreements and to discuss issues of mutual concern. The formal history of strategic relations is often traced back to the Peace of Westphalia of 1648, where the modern state system was developed. Westphalia instituted the legal concept of sovereignty. Westphalia encouraged the rise of the independent nation-state(s), the institutionalisation of diplomacy and armies[3]. This European system was then exported to the Americas, Africa, and Asia via colonisation and the standards of civilisation. The contemporary international system was eventually established through decolonisation after the Cold War. Definition There are many definitions of Strategic Relations written by numerous authors on the web world. Some relevant ones are as given below. Agreement between two or more entities to conduct specified activities or processes, to achieve specified objectives such as product development or distribution[4]. Strategic Relations refers to the collective interactions of the international community, which includes individual nations and states, inter-governmental organisations such as the United Nations, non-governmental organisations, multinational corporations, and so forth. The term is also used to refer to a branch of political science which focuses on the study of these interactions[5]. Strategic Relations is the study of the relations of states with each other and with international organisations and certain sub-national entities (e.g., bureaucracies and political parties). It is related to a number of other academic disciplines, including political science, geography, history, economics, law, sociology, psychology, and philosophy[6]. Strategic Relations is the study of the relations among states and other political and economic units in the international system. Particular areas of study within the field of international relations include diplomacy and diplomatic history, international law, body of rules considered legally binding in the relations between national states, also known as the law of nations[7]. Strategic Relations is the interaction between and among states, and more broadly, the workings of the international system as a whole. It can be conceived of either as a multidisciplinary field, gathering together the international aspects of politics, economics, history, law, and sociology, or as a meta-discipline, focusing on the systemic structures and patterns of interaction of the human species taken as a whole. Barry Buzan Strategic Relations is an area of knowledge based on political science, law, economy, sociology, philosophy, and other social sciences. Traditionally, it not only treats the relations between nation states, but also, International Organisations and non-state actors in the international arena, like non-governmental organisations, and multinational corporations[8]. What do Strategic Relations Mean Strategic Relationship represents the study of foreign affairs and global issues among states within the international system, including the roles of states, inter-governmental organisations (IGOs), non-governmental organisations (NGOs), international non-governmental organisations (INGOs), and multinational corporations (MNCs). It is both an academic and public policy field, and seeks to analyse as well as formulate the foreign policy of a particular state[9]. Apart from political science, Strategic Relations draws upon such diverse fields as economics, history, international law, philosophy, geography, sociology, anthropology, psychology, and cultural studies. It involves a diverse range of issues including globalisation, state sovereignty, ecological sustainability, nuclear proliferation, nationalism, economic development, global finance, terrorism, organised crime, human security, foreign interventionism and human rights. There are two main approaches to the field of International Relations. The first is the Realist or Pragmatist approach. This claims that conflict is inevitable and the best way to approach international relations is to be prepared to engage in conflicts and win. The second approach is the Structuralist approach and is symbolised by diplomacy, according to which conflict is not inevitable, focusing on the causes of conflict, stressing on the costs of conflict vis a vis possible gains. This school of thought has been heavily influenced by Galtungs theory of structural violence[10]. Broadly speaking, the two approaches to International Relations can be attributed to either side of the Atlantic: Realism is seen as a primarily American worldview while Structuralism is seen as typically European. Conclusion Considering the vast spectrum of the subject, Strategic Relations can become incredibly complex. The subject is also sometimes known as â€Å"foreign relations†. Specialists in this field staff diplomatic agencies abroad, provide consultation to businesses which are considering to establish branches overseas, and assist charitable non-governmental organisations with their missions. CHAPTER III HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE OF STRATEGIC RELATIONS BETWEEN PAKISTAN AND CHINA The opinions we hold of one another, our relations with friends and kinfolk are in no sense permanent, save in appearance, but are as eternally fluid as the sea itself. Marcel Proust Why Pakistan Chose to Align with China Pakistans attitude towards China is determined by its geography, economic constraints, domestic compulsions and the regional and international situation. The erstwhile fragmented shape of Pakistan, i.e. East and West Pakistan, had greatly contributed to the establishment of Pakistans close relations with China. Geographic constraints on account of Pakistans location, topography and the nature of its frontiers, gave rise to security problems for Pakistan. With the construction of highways connecting China and Pakistan, through Pakistan Occupied Kashmir, China acquired an easy approach to Pakistan. This turned out as a mixed blessing for Pakistan. So long as relations with China are friendly, there is no threat from the North. But in case of strained Sino Pak relations, there would be a grave threat from China[11]. Pakistani policy makers were conscious of this constraint and did express their fears in an unambiguous manner. President Ayub Khan wrote in his political autobiography:- West Pakistan is wedged in between three enormous powers with the Soviet Union at the top, the Peoples Republic of China in the North East, and India in the South and East. I know of no other small country which has the somewhat dubious distinction of having three such mighty neighbours[12]. A number of considerations prompted Pakistan to strengthen its economic and trade ties with China. Firstly, like China, Pakistan was a developing country and the two countries faced common problems in the field of agriculture and industrialisation. China had successfully solved the problem of water logging, salinity and floods, which Pakistan could benefit from. Secondly, the aid offered by China was very attractive as it carried rock-bottom low rate of interest or no interest at all. Thirdly, China showed interest in setting up heavy industries in Pakistan Taxila Industrial Complex, assisted by China is an example. Fourthly, trade with China was beneficial to Pakistan as the balance of the trade generally went in favour of Pakistan and rarely in favour of China[13]. Fifthly, 1962 Sino India war turned Pakistan towards China to counter India. Sixthly, US support to India increased after the Sino India war to counter China, this was resented by Pakistan, which China exploited to w ean the influence of US from Pakistan and get a foothold in the Indian subcontinent. And finally, the Kashmir issue. Pakistan adjudged its relations with other countries in terms of their attitude towards the Kashmir issue. Pakistan regarded China as a friend since its hostility towards India in 1962 and its involvement in the Kashmir issue thereafter[14]. The location of Tibet and Xinjiang on the north of the Indian subcontinent places China in a position to intervene militarily in a confrontation between India and Pakistan. The Karakoram Highway can be used by China for sending arms and ammunition and even the forces. In 1971, Indo Pakistan war, it was used for this purpose[15]. With a view to combating India, Pakistan has been seeking a political counterweight against it. Finding that China was interested in undermining Indias political influence in the Afro Asian world, Pakistani leaders thought that China could serve as a counterweight against India. It was, therefore, a Pakistani objective to seek Chinas political support against India[16]. Karakoram Highway[17] History of Sino Pak Relations After Pakistans creation in 1947, Pakistans relations with China were in a dormant state. In 1950, Pakistan officially recognised the Peoples Republic of China, and broke off ties with Taiwan. Bilateral relations were further strengthened at the Bandung Conference in 1955[18], when talks between the two heads of state played an important role in promoting, understanding and paving way for friendly relations and mutual assistance between the two countries. In 1961, Pakistan furthered its relations with China when it voted in favour of Chinas restoration rights in the UN. Sino-Pak relations got a shot in the arm, with deteriorating Sino-Indian relations which resulted in a war in 1962. China and Pakistan consequently met and agreed on the border between them, in 1963[19], and the Karakoram Highway was consequently built, connecting Chinas Sinkiang (Xinjiang-Uygur) Autonomous Region with the Northern Areas of Pakistan. In 1963 itself, a historic trade agreement between China and Pakistan was signed. Following this, diplomatic meetings were fairly frequent. Their strategic cooperation started out due to a mutual need to counter the Soviet Union and India, but later gave birth to Economic cooperation as well. China supported Pakistan in the two wars against India, in 1965 and 1971, with military as well as economic help. These foundations further led to the creation of a Joint Committee for Economy, Trade and Technology in 1982. By the late 1980s, China started discussing possible sales of military equipment and related technology to Pakistan. In the year 1996, Jiang Zemin, the then Chinese President, made a state visit to Pakistan. During the visit, the decision to establish comprehensive friendship and cooperation between the two nations was taken. Relations, since then have continued to move smoothly along the same path. In 2005, China and Pakistan signed a landmark ‘Treaty of Friendship and Co-operation, whereby they committed that â€Å"Neither party will join any alliance or bloc which infringes upon the sovereignty, security and territorial integrity† of either nation. Also reiterated was the agreement that both parties â€Å"would not conclude treaties of this nature with any third party†[20]. Conclusion Hence, during the post Cold War era, China turned out to be Pakistans most significant strategic guarantor as far as India was concerned. It was also the source of initial design information for Pakistans nuclear arsenal and also assisted with building of the nuclear technology complex[21]. Since the late 1990s, economic concerns have gained prominence alongside the military-strategic aspect of the relationship; specifically, trade and energy have taken precedence. Over the years, frequent exchanges of high-level visits and contacts between the two countries have resulted in a number of bilateral trade agreements and investment commitments. A comprehensive free trade agreement was signed in 2008, giving each country unprecedented market access to the other. Trade between Islamabad and Beijing now hovers around $7 billion a year and both sides are set on raising the to $15 billion by 2010[22]. CHAPTER IV CHINAS â€Å"STRING OF PEARLS STRATEGY† PAKISTANS PLACE IN IT. Apart from their other characteristics, the outstanding thing about Chinas 600 million people is that they are â€Å"poor and blank.† This may seem a bad thing, but in reality it is a good thing. Poverty gives rise to the desire for change, the desire for action and the desire for revolution. On a blank sheet of paper free from any mark, the freshest and most beautiful pictures can be painted. Zedong Mao What is String of Pearls Strategy A string of pearls strategy is a strategic move which involves establishing a series of nodes of military and economic power throughout a region. Each node is a â€Å"pearl† in the string, enhancing the overall power of the parent nation S.E. Smith The â€Å"String of Pearls Strategy† is an excellent way to enfold a greater area of territory, thereby gaining more influence on the global stage, but it often evokes comment from other nations, who may be concerned that the string of pearls strategy is the first step in a serious takeover or military threat. Several things are included in a ‘String of Pearls Strategy. The first is increased access to airfields and ports. This may be accomplished by building new facilities or through establishing cordial relations with other nations to ensure access to their ports. In some cases, the strategy involves heavily subsidising construction of new ports and airfield facilities in other countries, with the understanding that these facilities will be made readily available as needed. Developing better diplomatic relations is also a crucial step in a ‘String of Pearls Strategy. Partly, this is undertaken to ensure that shipping lanes and airspace remain free and clear for that particular nation. It may also be used to soothe concerns about a rapidly expanding string of pearls, and to establish solid trade and export agreements which may ultimately benefit both nations. Since a string of pearls strategy may rely on linking a series of pearls, it is important to ensure that each pearl is also safe, and that it will not be threatened by neighbouring nations. Modernising military forces is the third component. A modern military can more effectively maintain and hold individual pearls, and it will also be prepared for various actions and exercises on the part of the parent nation. The modernised military also supports a countrys rise as a global power, and as a nation which commands respect. For nations which are slowly encircled in a string of said pearls, a string of pearls strategy can be upsetting. A country may also slowly take over shipping lanes, which is an issue of concern to nations which are not closely allied with it.[23] Chinas String of Pearl Strategy Chinas String of Pearl Strategy is driven by Chinas need to secure foreign oil and trade routes critical to its development. This has meant establishing an increased level of influence along sea routes through investment, port development and diplomacy. Chinas investments presently extend from Hainan Island in the South China Sea, through the littorals of the Straits of Malacca, including port developments in Chittagong in Bangladesh, Sittwe, Coco, Hianggyi, Khaukphyu, Mergui and Zadetkyi Kyun in Myanmar; Laem Chabang in Thailand; and Sihanoukville in Cambodia. They extend across the Indian Ocean, Sri Lanka, the Maldives, Pakistans Gwadar Port, and in islands within the Arabian Sea and into the Persian Gulf. Chinas Interests in the Indian Ocean Region Its String of Pearls[24] Thus, part of these developments includes the upgrading of airstrips, many supported with military facilities, such as the facility on Woody Island, close to Vietnam. These developments may be directed at shifting the balance of power within the Indian and Arabian Gulf, away from the traditional Indian government management to China. However, it needs to be backed up with regional diplomatic ties, which China must look at to dispense with the need to engage with India. The strategy has been developed partially in response to a lack of progress on the Kra Canal project in Thailand, which would directly link the Indian Ocean with the South China Sea. Isthumus of Kra Its Strategic Location for Chinas Shipping Lanes[25] The â€Å"string of pearls† strategy however provides a forward presence for China along the sea lines of communication that now anchor China directly to the Middle East. The question is, whether this strategy is intended purely to ensure secure supply lines and trade routes, or whether China will later use these in a bid to enforce regional supremacy. As long as Chinese interests remain benign, the â€Å"string of pearls† strategy remains the strongest pointer that China is strengthening its energy supply lines with the Middle East and embarking on a level of Southeast Asian trade. This would definitely result in the development of regional prosperity, that will come with Chinas these actions. If the strategy continues without the development of regional conflicts, the ASEAN trading bloc, with China at its heart, and the massive emerging markets of India and the other Southeast Asian nations close by, will develop and begin to rival that of the EU and the United States, and lessen Chinas dependence on these traditional export markets[26]. Why China Chose Pakistan as a Pearl The Peoples Republic of China is believed to be an ideological state wedded to the Communist ideology based on Marxism Leninism[27]. Chinas relations with other countries can be explained on the basis of two conceptual frameworks based on â€Å"Alliance Model† and on â€Å"United Front Model†[28]. However, with Pakistan, Chinas relations appear to be on the â€Å"Alliance Model†. This model sees Chinas foreign policy as â€Å"concerned with short problems, externally determined and reactive. It sees Chinas concern for security as the dominant theme of Chinas foreign policy†[29]. There is an immense desire in China to achieve the status of a Super Power. The first step towards that direction is to achieve a dominant position in Asia. The Indian sub-continent is one of the important areas in this region. In order to be a dominant power, China needs to have an effective dominance in the sub-continent. To this effect, India poses a challenge to China in the region. China is therefore keen to weaken India and who better than Pakistan can be utilised for this purpose by China[30]. USSR, which used to be a friend, guide and protector for China during the initial years of their formation in 1950, began to be considered as a rival and an unreliable ally by the end of the 1950s. Subsequent closeness of USSR with India and her attempts to befriend Pakistan in the 1960s, especially after the 1965 Indo Pak war, led to increased differences between the two countries. China was interested in preventing the Soviet Union from spreading its influence in Pakistan. Knowing that USSR could not befriend Pakistan at the cost of India, China decided to make friends with Pakistan with the aim of preventing the USSR from spreading its influence in South Asia using a powerful India[31]. Chinas strategic objectives in Pakistan stem from the fact that Xinjiang and Tibet are contiguous to the Indian sub-continent and China is still consolidating itself in these regions. Pakistan occupies certain areas of Kashmir which have immense strategic value in view of this. Pakistan occupied Kashmir (POK) is located in a region where China, India and Afghanistan meet together. The religious affinity between the people of Xinjiang and Pakistan along with the history of repeated revolts by the Xinjiang people against the Chinese government forced China to sign a boundary agreement with Pakistan in 1963 to acquire strategically important areas to keep the influence of the Pakistani fundamentalism away from the people of Xinjiang[32]. Proximity of Chinas Xinjiang Province Tibet Autonomous Region to POK[33] Pakistans geography was helpful in supporting Chinese positions in the North-East in the Chumby Valley (prior to formation of Bangladesh) and in the Ladakh region in the rear of Indian positions. Thus Pakistan d and still s decisively in the defence of Chinas southern flank resulting in close ties between the two countries. The proximity of the Indian sub-continent to Xinjiang and Tibet, Pakistans location in the sub continent and the affinity existing between the Muslims of Xinjiang and Pakistan are matters of great importance for China in its geo political calculations[34]. It could also be Chinas objective to keep things simmering in South Asia by exploiting the Indo Pakistan disputes so that they may weaken each other by confrontation, leaving adequate space for China to be effective in the region. All the above reasons have led to an increased proximity of the Chinese policies towards Pakistan. Conclusion Chinas bond with Pakistan allowed the former a greater sphere of influence in to South Asia, as well provided a bridge between the Muslim world and Beijing. Though, traditionally, the driving factor for China was a hedge against India and getting strategic leverage against India, relations with China gave Pakistan access to civilian and military resources also. To this day, the relationship between the two countries is of high strategic importance, the military relationship with China being the corner stone of Pakistans foreign policy. And in return, Pakistan is helpful in realising Chinas dream of establishing her influence over the globe. CHAPTER V GROWING ECONOMIC TIES BETWEEN PAKISTAN AND CHINA. To attract good fortune, spend a new penny on an old friend. an old Chinese proverb Though political relations hold the maximum importance between countries, the economic relations are also noteworthy and infact, in recent times, have become one of the most significant factors in determining a nations foreign relations policy. Broadly, the economic relations can be divided into two forms trade and aid. Historical Perspective of Economic Ties During the Han Dynasty, trade existed between Ancient China and Ancient India on camels and yaks along the silk route for almost 3,000 years[35]. Infact, the silk route connecting China and Pakistan was closed down in 1949 and was re-opened in 1967 between the two countries. After partition, trade with India came to a standstill for Pakistan. Hence, Pakistans search for a trading partner to sell jute and cotton in return of coal, iron, cement etc prompted Pakistan to establish economic relations with China[36]. Silk Route[37] Economic and cultural interaction between Pakistan and China began in the 1950s. In April 1955, the late Premier Zhou Enlai held talks with the then Pakistan Prime Minister, M. Ali, during the Bandung Conference, and both sides agreed to strengthen bilateral ties. In January 1963, China and Pakistan signed their fist trade agreement[38]. This was followed up with the â€Å"Cultural Agreement† between the two countries in 1965[39]. The bonding established between the two states has continued ever since, with both countries looking at closer ties with each other for respective benefits. The relations between Pakistan and China were restricted to trade relations till 1964, however, it was in 1965, for the first time, that Pakistan started receiving Chinese aid[40]. In 1978, the Karakoram Highway was officially opened to trade between both countries. In 1986, China and Pakistan reached a comprehensive nuclear cooperation agreement which resulted in a 300-megawatt nuclear power pla nt built with Chinese help in Punjab province, which was completed in 1999[41]. Chinas Recent Economic Involvement in Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf took over power of Pakistan in October 1999 and since then the economic aspect became a major factor in Pakistan-China relations. During his visit to China in January 2000, he laid a great deal of emphasis on economic cooperation and hence the economic relations between the two countries slowly began to improve, both in trade and investments. The Chinese side too reciprocated positively by enhancing economic activity between the two countries[42]. The Chinese Premier at that time, Zhu Rongji, while visiting Pakistan in May 2001, urged the two sides to â€Å"boost cooperation in agriculture, infrastructure, information technology and other fields under the principle of reciprocity and mutual benefit for achieving common prosperity†[43].During this visit, Pakistan and China signed six Agreements and one MoU (Memorandum of Understanding). The Chinese financial assistance to Pakistan at that time was roughly over one billion dollars. The six agreements included Economic and Technical Cooperation, Tourism Cooperation, Lease Agreement on Saindak Copper-Gold Project, Supply of Locomotives to Pakistan Railways, Supply of Passenger Coaches to Pakistan Railways, White Oil Pipeline and MoU between Chinas ZTE and Pakistan Telecommunications Co. Ltd. Besides, the most important aspect of increasing economic cooperation was that the Chinese Premier reiterated his support for the Gwadar deep sea port and the Mekran coastal highway pro jects[44]. Mekran Coastal Highway[45] During his visit to China in November 2003, President Musharrafs signed a â€Å"Joint Declaration on Direction of Bilateral Relations.† It was a road-map to determine the direction and scope of overall Pakistan-China bilateral relations in the future. It laid additional emphasis on increasing the economic cooperation between the two countries and institutionalising mechanisms for consolidating an all-round relationship[46]. In December 2004, the two countries signed seven agreements in the sectors of trade, communication and energy. They also formulated a framework for enhanced cooperation between them. These agreements revolved around enhancing the bilateral trade, further progress on preferential trade agreement, setting up of joint agro-based industries and increasing of Chinese investments in Pakistan[47]. In April 2005, as many as 21 agreements and MoUs were signed between the two countries. These included cooperation in economy, defence, energy, infrastructure, social sector, health, education, higher education, housing and various other areas. The two countries also signed a â€Å"Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Good Neighbourly Relations†[48]. In January 2006, the Early Harvest Programme was launched to encourage bilateral trade, under which China extended zero-rated tariffs on 767 items while Pakistan reciprocated by extending the facility on 464 items[49]. In November 2006, China and Pakistan signed a FTA (free trade agreement). As per the agreement, China and Pakistan would reduce the tariffs on all goods in two phases. The aim of the agreement is to eliminate tariffs on no less than 90 percent of products, both in terms of tariff lines and trade volume, within a reasonably short period of time and on the basis of taking care of the concerns of both sides[50]. The Early Harvest Programme, which had commenced in January 2006, was merged into the FTA[51]. Also, China vowed to help Pakistan in civil nuclear technology by building and helping in the Khusab Nuclear Programme providing technology to Pakistan for better maintenance of civil nuclear plants[52]. In 2009, Pakistan and China signed a number of agreements and MoUs. These included construction of Bunji Dam in the Northern Areas with a capacity of 7,000 Megawatts[53], provision of soft loans for space, space technology and alternate energy including an amount of U.S. $ 190 million to supply Pakistani satellite PAKSAT-1R, which will replace the present satellite PAKSAT-1 that has a useful life until 2011. This loan will cover 85 percent of project Strategic Relations Between China and Pakistan Strategic Relations Between China and Pakistan STRATEGIC RELATIONS BETWEEN CHINA AND PAKISTAN AND ITS IMPACT ON INDO PAK RELATIONS If your environment is changing, you must change with it. If you dont, you perish. Curtis E. Sahakian CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1. China is a modern developing country with good economic and political condition. It is the biggest ancient society with flair towards modern culture and values. China has very good relations with its neighbours like Pakistan. Pakistan was one of the first countries of the world to recognise China, and since then they have very good relations with each other. 2. Pakistan and China entered into a trade agreement in January 1963 which granted reciprocal Most Favoured Nation status in matters of commerce, trade and shipping. Trade between the border regions of China and Pakistan started in 1969 after the first protocol of trade was signed. This border trade has continued to grow with the patronage of both the countries. Further trade protocols have been signed over the years. The construction of the Karakoram Highway has helped to further trade and communication. Pakistan is an important country for China in trade. A lot of projects of economic development in Pakistan are in process with the co-operation of China which are creating lot ofjobs opportunityfor both Pakistan and China. METHODOLOGY STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM 4. This dissertation proposes to study and analyse the growing economic relations between Pakistan China, its impact on the security of India and to recommend measures to negate the same by India. HYPOTHESIS 5. Is the growing economic relations between Pakistan China having an adverse impact on the security of India? If yes, what actions should India take to negate them? JUSTIFICATION OF THE STUDY SCOPE 7. This study concentrates on analysing only the Economic relationship between Pakistan and China and the impact of the same on Indo Pak relations with special emphasis on Indias security. 8. The study is not looking into the military, diplomatic and nuclear relationship between the two countries and the impact these relations are having on Indias security and Indo Pak relations. METHODS OF DATA COLLECTION METHODS OF DATA ANALYSIS ORGANISATION OF THE DISSERTATION 11. It is proposed to study the subject in the following manner:- (a) Chapter II. Strategic Relationship and it scope. (b) Chapter III. Historical Perspective of strategic relations between Pakistan and China. (c) Chapter IV. Chinas â€Å"String of Pearls Policy† Pakistans place in it. (d) Chapter V. Growing economic ties between Pakistan and China. (e) Chapter VI. Security Issues for India. (f) Chapter VII. Recommendations to negate this strategic relationship by India. CHAPTER II STRATEGIC RELATIONSHIP AND ITS SCOPE Interest does not tie nations together; it sometimes separates them. But sympathy and understanding does unite them. -Woodrow T. Wilson No nation is an island. Because domestic policies are constantly affected by developments outside, nations are compelled to enter into dialogue with other nations or initiating entities or form alliance(s) for the purpose of enhancing their status internationally, or increasing their power or prestige and survival in the international system[1]. History The concept of strategic relations is quite old. Humans have been establishing governments and communicating with each other for thousands of years. However, it is generally agreed to that international relations truly began to emerge around the 15th century, when people started exploring the world and interacting with other governments and cultures. Organisations like the Dutch East India Company were among the first multinational corporations[2], while representatives of various European governments met with foreign governments to establish trade agreements and to discuss issues of mutual concern. The formal history of strategic relations is often traced back to the Peace of Westphalia of 1648, where the modern state system was developed. Westphalia instituted the legal concept of sovereignty. Westphalia encouraged the rise of the independent nation-state(s), the institutionalisation of diplomacy and armies[3]. This European system was then exported to the Americas, Africa, and Asia via colonisation and the standards of civilisation. The contemporary international system was eventually established through decolonisation after the Cold War. Definition There are many definitions of Strategic Relations written by numerous authors on the web world. Some relevant ones are as given below. Agreement between two or more entities to conduct specified activities or processes, to achieve specified objectives such as product development or distribution[4]. Strategic Relations refers to the collective interactions of the international community, which includes individual nations and states, inter-governmental organisations such as the United Nations, non-governmental organisations, multinational corporations, and so forth. The term is also used to refer to a branch of political science which focuses on the study of these interactions[5]. Strategic Relations is the study of the relations of states with each other and with international organisations and certain sub-national entities (e.g., bureaucracies and political parties). It is related to a number of other academic disciplines, including political science, geography, history, economics, law, sociology, psychology, and philosophy[6]. Strategic Relations is the study of the relations among states and other political and economic units in the international system. Particular areas of study within the field of international relations include diplomacy and diplomatic history, international law, body of rules considered legally binding in the relations between national states, also known as the law of nations[7]. Strategic Relations is the interaction between and among states, and more broadly, the workings of the international system as a whole. It can be conceived of either as a multidisciplinary field, gathering together the international aspects of politics, economics, history, law, and sociology, or as a meta-discipline, focusing on the systemic structures and patterns of interaction of the human species taken as a whole. Barry Buzan Strategic Relations is an area of knowledge based on political science, law, economy, sociology, philosophy, and other social sciences. Traditionally, it not only treats the relations between nation states, but also, International Organisations and non-state actors in the international arena, like non-governmental organisations, and multinational corporations[8]. What do Strategic Relations Mean Strategic Relationship represents the study of foreign affairs and global issues among states within the international system, including the roles of states, inter-governmental organisations (IGOs), non-governmental organisations (NGOs), international non-governmental organisations (INGOs), and multinational corporations (MNCs). It is both an academic and public policy field, and seeks to analyse as well as formulate the foreign policy of a particular state[9]. Apart from political science, Strategic Relations draws upon such diverse fields as economics, history, international law, philosophy, geography, sociology, anthropology, psychology, and cultural studies. It involves a diverse range of issues including globalisation, state sovereignty, ecological sustainability, nuclear proliferation, nationalism, economic development, global finance, terrorism, organised crime, human security, foreign interventionism and human rights. There are two main approaches to the field of International Relations. The first is the Realist or Pragmatist approach. This claims that conflict is inevitable and the best way to approach international relations is to be prepared to engage in conflicts and win. The second approach is the Structuralist approach and is symbolised by diplomacy, according to which conflict is not inevitable, focusing on the causes of conflict, stressing on the costs of conflict vis a vis possible gains. This school of thought has been heavily influenced by Galtungs theory of structural violence[10]. Broadly speaking, the two approaches to International Relations can be attributed to either side of the Atlantic: Realism is seen as a primarily American worldview while Structuralism is seen as typically European. Conclusion Considering the vast spectrum of the subject, Strategic Relations can become incredibly complex. The subject is also sometimes known as â€Å"foreign relations†. Specialists in this field staff diplomatic agencies abroad, provide consultation to businesses which are considering to establish branches overseas, and assist charitable non-governmental organisations with their missions. CHAPTER III HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE OF STRATEGIC RELATIONS BETWEEN PAKISTAN AND CHINA The opinions we hold of one another, our relations with friends and kinfolk are in no sense permanent, save in appearance, but are as eternally fluid as the sea itself. Marcel Proust Why Pakistan Chose to Align with China Pakistans attitude towards China is determined by its geography, economic constraints, domestic compulsions and the regional and international situation. The erstwhile fragmented shape of Pakistan, i.e. East and West Pakistan, had greatly contributed to the establishment of Pakistans close relations with China. Geographic constraints on account of Pakistans location, topography and the nature of its frontiers, gave rise to security problems for Pakistan. With the construction of highways connecting China and Pakistan, through Pakistan Occupied Kashmir, China acquired an easy approach to Pakistan. This turned out as a mixed blessing for Pakistan. So long as relations with China are friendly, there is no threat from the North. But in case of strained Sino Pak relations, there would be a grave threat from China[11]. Pakistani policy makers were conscious of this constraint and did express their fears in an unambiguous manner. President Ayub Khan wrote in his political autobiography:- West Pakistan is wedged in between three enormous powers with the Soviet Union at the top, the Peoples Republic of China in the North East, and India in the South and East. I know of no other small country which has the somewhat dubious distinction of having three such mighty neighbours[12]. A number of considerations prompted Pakistan to strengthen its economic and trade ties with China. Firstly, like China, Pakistan was a developing country and the two countries faced common problems in the field of agriculture and industrialisation. China had successfully solved the problem of water logging, salinity and floods, which Pakistan could benefit from. Secondly, the aid offered by China was very attractive as it carried rock-bottom low rate of interest or no interest at all. Thirdly, China showed interest in setting up heavy industries in Pakistan Taxila Industrial Complex, assisted by China is an example. Fourthly, trade with China was beneficial to Pakistan as the balance of the trade generally went in favour of Pakistan and rarely in favour of China[13]. Fifthly, 1962 Sino India war turned Pakistan towards China to counter India. Sixthly, US support to India increased after the Sino India war to counter China, this was resented by Pakistan, which China exploited to w ean the influence of US from Pakistan and get a foothold in the Indian subcontinent. And finally, the Kashmir issue. Pakistan adjudged its relations with other countries in terms of their attitude towards the Kashmir issue. Pakistan regarded China as a friend since its hostility towards India in 1962 and its involvement in the Kashmir issue thereafter[14]. The location of Tibet and Xinjiang on the north of the Indian subcontinent places China in a position to intervene militarily in a confrontation between India and Pakistan. The Karakoram Highway can be used by China for sending arms and ammunition and even the forces. In 1971, Indo Pakistan war, it was used for this purpose[15]. With a view to combating India, Pakistan has been seeking a political counterweight against it. Finding that China was interested in undermining Indias political influence in the Afro Asian world, Pakistani leaders thought that China could serve as a counterweight against India. It was, therefore, a Pakistani objective to seek Chinas political support against India[16]. Karakoram Highway[17] History of Sino Pak Relations After Pakistans creation in 1947, Pakistans relations with China were in a dormant state. In 1950, Pakistan officially recognised the Peoples Republic of China, and broke off ties with Taiwan. Bilateral relations were further strengthened at the Bandung Conference in 1955[18], when talks between the two heads of state played an important role in promoting, understanding and paving way for friendly relations and mutual assistance between the two countries. In 1961, Pakistan furthered its relations with China when it voted in favour of Chinas restoration rights in the UN. Sino-Pak relations got a shot in the arm, with deteriorating Sino-Indian relations which resulted in a war in 1962. China and Pakistan consequently met and agreed on the border between them, in 1963[19], and the Karakoram Highway was consequently built, connecting Chinas Sinkiang (Xinjiang-Uygur) Autonomous Region with the Northern Areas of Pakistan. In 1963 itself, a historic trade agreement between China and Pakistan was signed. Following this, diplomatic meetings were fairly frequent. Their strategic cooperation started out due to a mutual need to counter the Soviet Union and India, but later gave birth to Economic cooperation as well. China supported Pakistan in the two wars against India, in 1965 and 1971, with military as well as economic help. These foundations further led to the creation of a Joint Committee for Economy, Trade and Technology in 1982. By the late 1980s, China started discussing possible sales of military equipment and related technology to Pakistan. In the year 1996, Jiang Zemin, the then Chinese President, made a state visit to Pakistan. During the visit, the decision to establish comprehensive friendship and cooperation between the two nations was taken. Relations, since then have continued to move smoothly along the same path. In 2005, China and Pakistan signed a landmark ‘Treaty of Friendship and Co-operation, whereby they committed that â€Å"Neither party will join any alliance or bloc which infringes upon the sovereignty, security and territorial integrity† of either nation. Also reiterated was the agreement that both parties â€Å"would not conclude treaties of this nature with any third party†[20]. Conclusion Hence, during the post Cold War era, China turned out to be Pakistans most significant strategic guarantor as far as India was concerned. It was also the source of initial design information for Pakistans nuclear arsenal and also assisted with building of the nuclear technology complex[21]. Since the late 1990s, economic concerns have gained prominence alongside the military-strategic aspect of the relationship; specifically, trade and energy have taken precedence. Over the years, frequent exchanges of high-level visits and contacts between the two countries have resulted in a number of bilateral trade agreements and investment commitments. A comprehensive free trade agreement was signed in 2008, giving each country unprecedented market access to the other. Trade between Islamabad and Beijing now hovers around $7 billion a year and both sides are set on raising the to $15 billion by 2010[22]. CHAPTER IV CHINAS â€Å"STRING OF PEARLS STRATEGY† PAKISTANS PLACE IN IT. Apart from their other characteristics, the outstanding thing about Chinas 600 million people is that they are â€Å"poor and blank.† This may seem a bad thing, but in reality it is a good thing. Poverty gives rise to the desire for change, the desire for action and the desire for revolution. On a blank sheet of paper free from any mark, the freshest and most beautiful pictures can be painted. Zedong Mao What is String of Pearls Strategy A string of pearls strategy is a strategic move which involves establishing a series of nodes of military and economic power throughout a region. Each node is a â€Å"pearl† in the string, enhancing the overall power of the parent nation S.E. Smith The â€Å"String of Pearls Strategy† is an excellent way to enfold a greater area of territory, thereby gaining more influence on the global stage, but it often evokes comment from other nations, who may be concerned that the string of pearls strategy is the first step in a serious takeover or military threat. Several things are included in a ‘String of Pearls Strategy. The first is increased access to airfields and ports. This may be accomplished by building new facilities or through establishing cordial relations with other nations to ensure access to their ports. In some cases, the strategy involves heavily subsidising construction of new ports and airfield facilities in other countries, with the understanding that these facilities will be made readily available as needed. Developing better diplomatic relations is also a crucial step in a ‘String of Pearls Strategy. Partly, this is undertaken to ensure that shipping lanes and airspace remain free and clear for that particular nation. It may also be used to soothe concerns about a rapidly expanding string of pearls, and to establish solid trade and export agreements which may ultimately benefit both nations. Since a string of pearls strategy may rely on linking a series of pearls, it is important to ensure that each pearl is also safe, and that it will not be threatened by neighbouring nations. Modernising military forces is the third component. A modern military can more effectively maintain and hold individual pearls, and it will also be prepared for various actions and exercises on the part of the parent nation. The modernised military also supports a countrys rise as a global power, and as a nation which commands respect. For nations which are slowly encircled in a string of said pearls, a string of pearls strategy can be upsetting. A country may also slowly take over shipping lanes, which is an issue of concern to nations which are not closely allied with it.[23] Chinas String of Pearl Strategy Chinas String of Pearl Strategy is driven by Chinas need to secure foreign oil and trade routes critical to its development. This has meant establishing an increased level of influence along sea routes through investment, port development and diplomacy. Chinas investments presently extend from Hainan Island in the South China Sea, through the littorals of the Straits of Malacca, including port developments in Chittagong in Bangladesh, Sittwe, Coco, Hianggyi, Khaukphyu, Mergui and Zadetkyi Kyun in Myanmar; Laem Chabang in Thailand; and Sihanoukville in Cambodia. They extend across the Indian Ocean, Sri Lanka, the Maldives, Pakistans Gwadar Port, and in islands within the Arabian Sea and into the Persian Gulf. Chinas Interests in the Indian Ocean Region Its String of Pearls[24] Thus, part of these developments includes the upgrading of airstrips, many supported with military facilities, such as the facility on Woody Island, close to Vietnam. These developments may be directed at shifting the balance of power within the Indian and Arabian Gulf, away from the traditional Indian government management to China. However, it needs to be backed up with regional diplomatic ties, which China must look at to dispense with the need to engage with India. The strategy has been developed partially in response to a lack of progress on the Kra Canal project in Thailand, which would directly link the Indian Ocean with the South China Sea. Isthumus of Kra Its Strategic Location for Chinas Shipping Lanes[25] The â€Å"string of pearls† strategy however provides a forward presence for China along the sea lines of communication that now anchor China directly to the Middle East. The question is, whether this strategy is intended purely to ensure secure supply lines and trade routes, or whether China will later use these in a bid to enforce regional supremacy. As long as Chinese interests remain benign, the â€Å"string of pearls† strategy remains the strongest pointer that China is strengthening its energy supply lines with the Middle East and embarking on a level of Southeast Asian trade. This would definitely result in the development of regional prosperity, that will come with Chinas these actions. If the strategy continues without the development of regional conflicts, the ASEAN trading bloc, with China at its heart, and the massive emerging markets of India and the other Southeast Asian nations close by, will develop and begin to rival that of the EU and the United States, and lessen Chinas dependence on these traditional export markets[26]. Why China Chose Pakistan as a Pearl The Peoples Republic of China is believed to be an ideological state wedded to the Communist ideology based on Marxism Leninism[27]. Chinas relations with other countries can be explained on the basis of two conceptual frameworks based on â€Å"Alliance Model† and on â€Å"United Front Model†[28]. However, with Pakistan, Chinas relations appear to be on the â€Å"Alliance Model†. This model sees Chinas foreign policy as â€Å"concerned with short problems, externally determined and reactive. It sees Chinas concern for security as the dominant theme of Chinas foreign policy†[29]. There is an immense desire in China to achieve the status of a Super Power. The first step towards that direction is to achieve a dominant position in Asia. The Indian sub-continent is one of the important areas in this region. In order to be a dominant power, China needs to have an effective dominance in the sub-continent. To this effect, India poses a challenge to China in the region. China is therefore keen to weaken India and who better than Pakistan can be utilised for this purpose by China[30]. USSR, which used to be a friend, guide and protector for China during the initial years of their formation in 1950, began to be considered as a rival and an unreliable ally by the end of the 1950s. Subsequent closeness of USSR with India and her attempts to befriend Pakistan in the 1960s, especially after the 1965 Indo Pak war, led to increased differences between the two countries. China was interested in preventing the Soviet Union from spreading its influence in Pakistan. Knowing that USSR could not befriend Pakistan at the cost of India, China decided to make friends with Pakistan with the aim of preventing the USSR from spreading its influence in South Asia using a powerful India[31]. Chinas strategic objectives in Pakistan stem from the fact that Xinjiang and Tibet are contiguous to the Indian sub-continent and China is still consolidating itself in these regions. Pakistan occupies certain areas of Kashmir which have immense strategic value in view of this. Pakistan occupied Kashmir (POK) is located in a region where China, India and Afghanistan meet together. The religious affinity between the people of Xinjiang and Pakistan along with the history of repeated revolts by the Xinjiang people against the Chinese government forced China to sign a boundary agreement with Pakistan in 1963 to acquire strategically important areas to keep the influence of the Pakistani fundamentalism away from the people of Xinjiang[32]. Proximity of Chinas Xinjiang Province Tibet Autonomous Region to POK[33] Pakistans geography was helpful in supporting Chinese positions in the North-East in the Chumby Valley (prior to formation of Bangladesh) and in the Ladakh region in the rear of Indian positions. Thus Pakistan d and still s decisively in the defence of Chinas southern flank resulting in close ties between the two countries. The proximity of the Indian sub-continent to Xinjiang and Tibet, Pakistans location in the sub continent and the affinity existing between the Muslims of Xinjiang and Pakistan are matters of great importance for China in its geo political calculations[34]. It could also be Chinas objective to keep things simmering in South Asia by exploiting the Indo Pakistan disputes so that they may weaken each other by confrontation, leaving adequate space for China to be effective in the region. All the above reasons have led to an increased proximity of the Chinese policies towards Pakistan. Conclusion Chinas bond with Pakistan allowed the former a greater sphere of influence in to South Asia, as well provided a bridge between the Muslim world and Beijing. Though, traditionally, the driving factor for China was a hedge against India and getting strategic leverage against India, relations with China gave Pakistan access to civilian and military resources also. To this day, the relationship between the two countries is of high strategic importance, the military relationship with China being the corner stone of Pakistans foreign policy. And in return, Pakistan is helpful in realising Chinas dream of establishing her influence over the globe. CHAPTER V GROWING ECONOMIC TIES BETWEEN PAKISTAN AND CHINA. To attract good fortune, spend a new penny on an old friend. an old Chinese proverb Though political relations hold the maximum importance between countries, the economic relations are also noteworthy and infact, in recent times, have become one of the most significant factors in determining a nations foreign relations policy. Broadly, the economic relations can be divided into two forms trade and aid. Historical Perspective of Economic Ties During the Han Dynasty, trade existed between Ancient China and Ancient India on camels and yaks along the silk route for almost 3,000 years[35]. Infact, the silk route connecting China and Pakistan was closed down in 1949 and was re-opened in 1967 between the two countries. After partition, trade with India came to a standstill for Pakistan. Hence, Pakistans search for a trading partner to sell jute and cotton in return of coal, iron, cement etc prompted Pakistan to establish economic relations with China[36]. Silk Route[37] Economic and cultural interaction between Pakistan and China began in the 1950s. In April 1955, the late Premier Zhou Enlai held talks with the then Pakistan Prime Minister, M. Ali, during the Bandung Conference, and both sides agreed to strengthen bilateral ties. In January 1963, China and Pakistan signed their fist trade agreement[38]. This was followed up with the â€Å"Cultural Agreement† between the two countries in 1965[39]. The bonding established between the two states has continued ever since, with both countries looking at closer ties with each other for respective benefits. The relations between Pakistan and China were restricted to trade relations till 1964, however, it was in 1965, for the first time, that Pakistan started receiving Chinese aid[40]. In 1978, the Karakoram Highway was officially opened to trade between both countries. In 1986, China and Pakistan reached a comprehensive nuclear cooperation agreement which resulted in a 300-megawatt nuclear power pla nt built with Chinese help in Punjab province, which was completed in 1999[41]. Chinas Recent Economic Involvement in Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf took over power of Pakistan in October 1999 and since then the economic aspect became a major factor in Pakistan-China relations. During his visit to China in January 2000, he laid a great deal of emphasis on economic cooperation and hence the economic relations between the two countries slowly began to improve, both in trade and investments. The Chinese side too reciprocated positively by enhancing economic activity between the two countries[42]. The Chinese Premier at that time, Zhu Rongji, while visiting Pakistan in May 2001, urged the two sides to â€Å"boost cooperation in agriculture, infrastructure, information technology and other fields under the principle of reciprocity and mutual benefit for achieving common prosperity†[43].During this visit, Pakistan and China signed six Agreements and one MoU (Memorandum of Understanding). The Chinese financial assistance to Pakistan at that time was roughly over one billion dollars. The six agreements included Economic and Technical Cooperation, Tourism Cooperation, Lease Agreement on Saindak Copper-Gold Project, Supply of Locomotives to Pakistan Railways, Supply of Passenger Coaches to Pakistan Railways, White Oil Pipeline and MoU between Chinas ZTE and Pakistan Telecommunications Co. Ltd. Besides, the most important aspect of increasing economic cooperation was that the Chinese Premier reiterated his support for the Gwadar deep sea port and the Mekran coastal highway pro jects[44]. Mekran Coastal Highway[45] During his visit to China in November 2003, President Musharrafs signed a â€Å"Joint Declaration on Direction of Bilateral Relations.† It was a road-map to determine the direction and scope of overall Pakistan-China bilateral relations in the future. It laid additional emphasis on increasing the economic cooperation between the two countries and institutionalising mechanisms for consolidating an all-round relationship[46]. In December 2004, the two countries signed seven agreements in the sectors of trade, communication and energy. They also formulated a framework for enhanced cooperation between them. These agreements revolved around enhancing the bilateral trade, further progress on preferential trade agreement, setting up of joint agro-based industries and increasing of Chinese investments in Pakistan[47]. In April 2005, as many as 21 agreements and MoUs were signed between the two countries. These included cooperation in economy, defence, energy, infrastructure, social sector, health, education, higher education, housing and various other areas. The two countries also signed a â€Å"Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Good Neighbourly Relations†[48]. In January 2006, the Early Harvest Programme was launched to encourage bilateral trade, under which China extended zero-rated tariffs on 767 items while Pakistan reciprocated by extending the facility on 464 items[49]. In November 2006, China and Pakistan signed a FTA (free trade agreement). As per the agreement, China and Pakistan would reduce the tariffs on all goods in two phases. The aim of the agreement is to eliminate tariffs on no less than 90 percent of products, both in terms of tariff lines and trade volume, within a reasonably short period of time and on the basis of taking care of the concerns of both sides[50]. The Early Harvest Programme, which had commenced in January 2006, was merged into the FTA[51]. Also, China vowed to help Pakistan in civil nuclear technology by building and helping in the Khusab Nuclear Programme providing technology to Pakistan for better maintenance of civil nuclear plants[52]. In 2009, Pakistan and China signed a number of agreements and MoUs. These included construction of Bunji Dam in the Northern Areas with a capacity of 7,000 Megawatts[53], provision of soft loans for space, space technology and alternate energy including an amount of U.S. $ 190 million to supply Pakistani satellite PAKSAT-1R, which will replace the present satellite PAKSAT-1 that has a useful life until 2011. This loan will cover 85 percent of project

Friday, October 25, 2019

Edwidge Danticat’s The Farming of Bones and Julia Alvarez’s In the Time

Edwidge Danticat’s The Farming of Bones and Julia Alvarez’s In the Time of Butterflies We have all heard the saying, â€Å"it’s a man’s world†. It appears that our world is governed according to a man’s perspective and thoughts as to how the world should be run, and women gracefully bow down to this perspective and internalize those male supremacist notions of patriarchal dominance. Even with this seemingly innate belief that men have, it is still apparent at times that there is another view that is often glossed over and ignored in the pursuit of extreme power and superiority. In Edwidge Danticat’s The Farming of Bones and Julia Alvarez’s In the Time of Butterflies, we are able to dissect society through the eyes of women who have had to endure life in these societies. These women offer a fresh perspective, and they both challenge and assert the patriarchal view that is most often presented in discussion about civil unrest. In the Time of Butterflies gives us a view of women who fought their own battle during unrest within their country. In fact, these women become famous because of what they do, and they create their own notoriety aside from being linked with a man. Farming of Bones gives us a view of a woman who has to endure hardship and trials within her society and still manages to survive. She survives, although her survival is contingent upon illusion, without a male by her side to support her or to dictate her life. Through these two novels, we are able to ascertain the feelings of the women in the midst of the struggles. Throughout the novel, we see the influence that Trujillo has over the women’s actions for the simple fact that he is in charge. There is a domination that men have that seeps ... ...dered the backbone of society. However, both views are tainted by remnants of patriarchy. It does not appear that these two authors are able to present women without introducing the male factor of society. While both texts present strong views that negotiate patriarchal nationalism and both texts consider the view of patriarchal society, it is apparent that Danticat’s novel gives a better view of the struggles from the true view of a woman. Alvarez’s novel would appear to do so because it is in diary form coming from the direct mouths of women, but these women’s stories are so tinged with the decisions that men have made over their lives that it appears that they have internalized patriarchal domination. Though Amabelle’s story includes patriarchal tendencies, her story is more about her and her beliefs about the society that she is forced to live in.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Critical Analysis of The Business Strategies

Offensive and defensive strategies are by products or results of the corporate strategies. A corporate strategy is a comprehensive set of activities developed by top management to aid an organization achieve its corporate objectives. Involving all parts of an organization, these strategies consider both internal and external environments. As the name suggests these strategies are aimed at placing the organization in a ‘attack mode' of sorts. Organizations employing such strategies generally believe in acting before their opponent. Such strategies are usually achieved through internal growth, though some like mergers and acquisition, etc are external. Concentration on a single product or service The firm chooses to specialize in a single product, product line, or service. It plans to do one thing with great effectiveness and efficiency. This specialization allows an organization to do whatever it does extremely well, perhaps even better than other organizations. Used mostly by small organizations, it reduces the amount of resources required and as such is a low risk strategy. However, it ties up all of the firm's resources on a single product, service, or product line. The firm's success and growth is dependent entirely on that particular product with nothing to fall back on were that product to fail. Also, coupled with the facts that this strategy limits an organization's growth and opportunities, it can be considered a high-risk strategy as well. E.g. a company deciding to specialize only in the production and distribution of a particular brand of chocolate will find their chances for growth and profits tied inexorably with the market acceptance of that chocolate. Failure of the product will spell doom for the company. Despite these pitfalls, the concentration strategy has nevertheless borne fruit for organizations like Holiday Inns. Considered one of the largest hotel chains in the world with 1800inns, Holiday Inns have achieved unparalleled success by focusing on the hospitality industry. Put plainly concentric diversification is said to be when a firm originally concentrating on one specific product, service, or product line decides to add related products or services to its already existing retinue. These new products or services are added internally (i.e. it can be a management decision) or may be acquired through acquisitions. A good example is Cadbury. Though initially focusing on biscuits, the company today has an impressive line-up that includes not only biscuits, but also chocolates and ice cream as well. One of the major reasons why companies choose to follow such a strategy is the potential for faster growth, and the lure of establishing a diverse if related product line. This ensures that if one product were to fail, there would still be something to fall back on. Vertical integration occurs when one firm acquires another that is involved either in an earlier stage of the production process (backward integration) or a later stage of the production process (forward integration). The firm that is acquired usually follows the same line of business as that of the parent company. While backward integration will give the firm more control over the quality and quantity of its raw materials, forward integration will ensure that the firm's products will enjoy a good demand. This occurs when a firm decides to branch out and add products or services that are unrelated to its existing products and services. Conglomerate diversification can occur through acquisitions or it may be based on management decisions. The purpose in employing such a strategy is to increase sales and earnings, spread risks, or in the case of acquisitions simply to make an attractive investment. An example is the heavy vehicles and industrial equipment manufacturer Caterpillar, who have branched out into the production of boots and accessories. A merger involves combining the operations of two companies to form a new and unified organization. Acquisitions on the other hand is the taking over of another firm but allowing the acquired firm to function as a independent division or subsidiary of the acquiring firm. The main aim of this strategy is to achieve growth both in sales and earnings, which it does more quickly than any internal strategies. An accurate example would be the recent merger of carmakers Chrysler and Mercedes Benz. An example of acquisition would be BMW's takeover of Rolls Royce. Joint venture is when two or more firms combine resources to accomplish a task that an individual firm could not have done alone, or to do a job more efficiently. Considered as a means to implement a strategy rather than a strategy, joint ventures offer a way for organizations to undertake projects and spread any risks as well as operate more efficiently. General Motor's collaboration with Toyota is an example of a joint venture. Usually adopted by companies, who follow a wait and watch attitude, these strategies nevertheless help an organization achieve a good foothold in the market. Reducing the scope of operations or activities to improve effectiveness and efficiency is retrenchment. Organizations adopting such a strategy generally believe that making the organization more effective and efficient will give it a better chance to return to a higher level of profitability. In some cases a firm may simply cut costs, reduce personnel, etc, but will decide to maintain all its current line of business, whereas, in extreme cases a firm may decide to get rid of certain product lines or services. Divestment is when a firm spins off or sells segments of its operations. The main reasons for such a situation to arise are: a firm may have acquired another firm that either interferes or does not contribute to its current organization mission, a segment may not be functioning satisfactorily enough to justify the resources invested in it, or the segment might be earning a profit but the management decides its resources are better utilized elsewhere. Stopping the decline in a firm's performance and bringing a return to successful performance involves turnaround. It combines a defensive strategy (retrenchment or divestment) with a growth strategy. The turnaround of Chrysler Corporation in early 1980's from a failing enterprise to a successful one is a good example. Usually a last resort strategy, it involves selling or disposing of the organization assets. The entire organization or only part of it may be sold. It occurs when turnaround was a failure or may not have been viable. Undertaken mainly to provide the stockholders a return on their investment, it is one of the most unpleasant strategies. The various offensive and defensive strategies are not separate, and are used in complement with one another. Most firms employ a variation or a mixture of the various strategies. The only important factor is deciding which strategy will better suit the conditions presently being faced by the firm.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The World Is Growing Smaller And More Independent Education Essay

Since the universe is turning smaller and more independent, there is a greater demand of planetary instruction. The universe is altering all the clip. On the concern and political relations web log ( 2010 ) I found the following interesting definition of globalization: Possibly the truest definition of Globalisation is in fact the fortunes of Princess Diana ‘s decease and how this account is brought to you. How come you inquire? Well, seek this for size: An English princess with an Egyptian fellow clangs in a Gallic tunnel, in a German auto with a Dutch engine, driven by a Belgian, rummy on Scots whiskey, followed closely by Italian Paparazzi, on Nipponese bikes ; treated by a Gallic physician, utilizing Brazilian medical specialties. You ‘re likely reading this on your computing machine, that uses Chinese french friess, on a Korean proctor, assembled by Bangladeshi workers in a Singaporean works, transported by Indian truck drivers, to a Grecian ship, hijacked by Indonesians, unloaded by Sicilian stevedores, and trucked to you by Eastern European drivers. That is true Globalization! You see, globalization is an economic, a societal and a cultural phenomenon! We all live in the same universe, so all of us feel the alteration. Specifying instruction and globalization Globalisation. Before we ‘re traveling to compose about the effects of globalization it ‘s necessary to cognize what globalization means. Despite we use the term ‘globalisation ‘ for a long clip ; it is still really hard to happen a good definition. In 1985 the economic expert Theodore Levitt described globalization as alterations in planetary economic sciences impacting production, ingestion and investing. It was a globalization of markets. The term was shortly used for political and cultural alterations. That ‘s because it can intend different things to different people. It ‘s like everybody has his ain vision of it. Furthermore, different civilizations have different outlooks of gustatory sensation and criterion. Actually globalization is non something that late emerged, but the effects became clear merely in recent old ages. At the clip of geographic expedition, a long clip ago, people were already working across boundary lines, the economic involvements were paramount. World War II did stagnate the universe trade, this is made clear by several economic crises. However, the procedure of globalization did n't halt. The innovation of the steam engine, the steamer and the train made longer trips possible. Furthermore, the innovation of the telephone made certain that it was no longer necessary to travel on a trip merely to interchange information. Many other developments, including the outgrowth of assorted media, but besides international organisations and improved substructure guarantee that globalization will turn faster and bigger. At the really get downing globalization was an exchange of goods. Trade was the ground for contact. Though the footing has still an economic motivation, globalization is besides a societal and cultural exchange. Internet made this distribution a batch easier. Fifty old ages ago it was customary to analyze at a nearby university, or at least nearby your place. Today one out of 30 pupils ( for a given period ) goes survey in another state. In many companies it is common for workers to work in another state for a fixed period. Because of this it is more possible to do contact with other people, friendly relationships and even relationships. Guest workers, who for economic grounds are located in another state, frequently guarantee that the whole household comes to populate at that place. These developments provide a more assorted population. figure 1 – All subjects related to globalization Beginning: ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) In figure 1 you see what globalization for illustration could affect, but in this paper we ‘ll manage planetary instruction. All this was made possible by a batch of different things, for ex. engineering, communicating webs, internet entree, growing of economic cooperation and motion to free trade. The cyberspace made it a batch easier to traverse the boundary lines, to work and pass on. The velocity of the intelligence through media is besides good grounds. How long did it take before we knew about the temblor in Japan or the events of September, 11? We frequently say that the universe is a little topographic point, it ‘s like we ‘re populating in one large small town. More and more goods are traversing the boundary lines. You do n't necessitate to travel to Spain for tappa or to America to purchase denims of Tommy Hilfiger. And when you ‘re traveling on a vacation, sometimes you will see goods from Belgium, like pears in Japan or Cote d'or in Austria. It ‘s besides possible to order goods from all over the universe on the cyberspace, it is still a turning concern. Nowadays it is impossible non to work over the cyberspace, it is assumed that every company has a web site and an electronic mail reference to acquire in touch. Factories all over the universe are unifying, so it ‘s frequently necessary to talk a batch of different linguistic communications. The free trade and the worldwide market detonation have led to the clang of some mills and a enormous growing of others. Vacations, music, nutrient, apparels, †¦ from different civilizations have enriched life. In the 21th century there are more adult females and coloreds in the working circuit. All this has besides a monetary value ticket: a turning fright, aggression, favoritism, biass, colliding civilizations, †¦ Political leaders from industrialized states are standing under force per unit area to protect the bulk from the turning minorities. That ‘s why there ‘s a limitation of in-migration and a reclamation of work license. For a long period globalization merely involved grownups. Childs have long been excluded. The last twelvemonth we get more and more grounds that this is altering. Like English to kindergartners or pupils on a joint undertaking working together with kids from other states. In every school, they say that the intent of instruction is to do kids or immature people ready to take a function in society. Education. After holding explained the term globalization, it ‘s besides necessary to understand good the term instruction. Education is more than traveling to school. Education is the key to growing and poorness decrease in a state. It is possible to separate between schooling, vocational preparation and third instruction in the national context and foreign instruction in the international context. Schooling includes primary and secondary instruction. Vocational preparation includes a preparation to exert a peculiar business or profession. Third instruction includes higher instruction in the state of abode. When a pupil wants to follow his higher instruction abroad, it ‘s called foreign instruction ( Labu, A. , 2009 ) . A good quality primary and secondary instruction is necessary for third instruction. Furthermore, good quality and appropriate instruction determines the development and productive employment ( Al-Samarrai and Bennell, 2003 ; Tye B. B. , and Tye K. A. , 1992 ) .Global instructionIntroduction As you see it ‘s of import to bask a good instruction, a planetary instruction, to assist out in this universe. Education is regarded as a public good. So first it is non-excludable: it ‘s a good for everyone, cipher can be excluded from it. Second, it is non-rival: if one individual usage this good, another is non affected by it. Education starts in the primary school. Primary instruction starts when you ‘re around 3 old ages old, it ‘s based on supplying literacy and numeracy accomplishments. After this, secondary instruction follows. In secondary schools it ‘s frequently possible to follow the last twelvemonth in another state. The phases of instruction are interlinked, good quality instruction is of import for third instruction. A good quality and appropriate instruction besides provides a good base for productive preparation and employment chances. Higher educated workers earn more, so more instruction raises rewards and likely besides economic public presentation ( Labu, A. , 2009 ) . The effects of instruction seems larger in low-income states, this might be consistent that it ‘s besides of import for the catch-up. The catch-up theory says that low-income states have the possibility to turn faster than others. The low-income states have a low capital in contrast with richer states. A similar capital injection in the economic system will hold a bigger advantage for the development states. Education and migration There are different pull and push factors for migration. Engage differences between states are frequently the most of import. Education is besides an of import determiner of migration. There ‘s an of import difference between lasting and impermanent migration. Carrington and Detragiache ( 1998 ) investigated the lasting migration. Their survey was based on the migration of 61 developing economic systems and 25 developed economic systems. They found that small or no instruction cause limited entree to international in-migration. They besides found that immigrants are better educated than the remainder of the population of their state. The effects of trade on instruction Trade can hold macro effects and micro effects. You can hold a macro consequence when it is necessitating that a state specialize in certain types of instruction. There ‘s a micro consequence when a state has to specialise itself in certain maps, where small preparation and instruction is needed. So we see trade can besides impact the supply of instruction. Trade can hold macro effects as the imports and exports shift the construction of the economic system, so states specialize in certain types of instruction ( Wood and Ridao-Cano, 1999 ) . On the other manus, there are micro effects of states that have to specialise in certain maps. Kaplinsky ( 2000 ) said that trade besides can impact the supply of instruction and act like a replacement or complement to national proviso. figure 2 – The effects of trade on instruction Beginning: Te Velde, W. , 1999. hypertext transfer protocol: // vanaf P 37! Education as a concern The growing on international trade has its consequence on instruction. As the economic systems of developing states merge, the demand for instruction has multiplied. In the past nine old ages, higher instruction has increased with 53 % , worldwide there are 153 million university pupils ( Labi, A. , 2009 ) . Many companies, private and multinationals, have helped when there was a robust growing of demand of the educational private sector. The United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization ( UNESCO ) has identified that the private ( higher ) instruction establishments are the fastest turning sector worldwide ( Altbach et al. , 2009 ) . The outgrowth of digital, distance and practical acquisition makes clear that information and communicating engineering ( ICT ) has had a large impact on planetary educational development and promotion. The Apollo Group is a good illustration of a private company that is supplying chances for distance acquisition. There are besides educational related services and merchandises, like Smartschool and Blackboard. They give a really good service. Such merchandises provide schools with an intranet service. Blackboard connects pupils and instructors, so they can pass on over the cyberspace. Students can post messages and happen class stuff. Teachers can besides assistance with scaling and maintaining path of pupils assignments. Over 5000 establishments are utilizing Blackboard. Nowadays Blackboard has his portion of struggles. Some of them are traditional client service issues, but others are more of import, because of the new educational theoretical accounts. Many have expressed defeat and left Blackboard for rivals. Public instruction, course of study and teaching method Social, political, economic and environmental issues seem to exceed boundary lines. That ‘s why it ‘s really of import to make a comprehensive andiˆ interdisciplinary attack that gives pupils the possibility to make accomplishments to suit a scope of challenges. As you see, new cognition and accomplishments were added to the course of study as the universe became more complex. By advancing planetary instruction we increase our opportunities to vie economically with the universe. More than three hundred old ages ago the lone of import thing in school was reading en authorship and sometimes faith. Old ages subsequently there was besides spelling, math, Latin and a few scientific disciplines, but still merely a few kids attended school. Immigration, industrialisation and urbanisation placed new demands on the educational system. Because the mills recruited the kids from the farms as good the kids from other topographic points, the metropoliss became bigger and bigger and a different sort of school was necessary. This school was much bigger and pupils followed their course of study with age-mates. Secondary schools began to look, but they served merely a few. After primary school the male childs did the work of their male parent and the misss helped at place. Thingss like history and geographics seemed unreal and excessively far off. Even today it is frequently a less popular class. The engineering of the twentieth century changed it all. The outgrowth of the auto industry made it possible to work further from place. Besides air travel made the universe smaller. Everyone could maintain in touch by phone. Peoples became more and more aware of the universe. Radio and telecasting brought the universe into our suites In merely a few coevalss the universe was turning smaller and smaller. In the nineteenth century and even in the twentieth it was a large event for kids to travel to the market, but today they travel to other states. At the terminal of the twentieth century there were more people on the move around the universe than of all time earlier. There for it was besides necessary to make international schools. In the 21th century it is of import that there ‘s a planetary instruction. Teachers have the occupation to do pupils planetary citizens. There is no widely accepted definition. In the term planetary citizens you here citizenship, what means that you are loyal to your town or state. Within the planetary context it is necessary foremost to understand the local environment. Banks ( 2003 ) says that it is of import for pupils to understand how life in their cultural communities influences other. He besides says that citizens need the cognition, attitude and accomplishments required to work within cultural communities. It is no longer plenty to place and care about planetary issues, but we must develop empathy every bit good. Educators are still seeking to calculate out how to learn understanding and empathy. The International Baccalaureate Curriculum. The International Baccalaureate ( IB ) Curriculum is a plan that involves more than 3000 schools all over the universe, six of them are in Belgium. IB makes it possible to analyze everyplace. Parents who have to work in another state do non hold to be afraid that their kids do non hold any instruction. The International Baccalaureate has three plans of survey for pupils between ages 3 to 19. So they say, they offer an ‘international instruction ‘ . The International Baccalaureate is widely distributed, even in the remotest states it ‘s possible to happen an IB school. For illustration in Mongolia, one of the universe ‘s most stray capital metropoliss with a population of merely 800 000 people is the International School of Ulaanbataar ( ISU ) . We can state that pupils have entree to an international educational web, even in the most distant countries of the universe. Like all things in life, it is non without critics. Some people argued that the IB course of study was originally created that kids of diplomats could gain an international grade. So it could merely be accessible to an elect group of pupils. Others say that the Godheads of the plan have other culturally specific pedagogical outlooks, than are present in some parts of the universe. Charter schools. The Charter schools are primary or secondary schools in the United States that receive public money and like other school, besides private contributions. Charter schools are accountable to their patrons to bring forth positive academic consequences. There is some contention over the schools. A recent survey conducted by the Massachusetts Teachers Association found that it ‘s harder for pupils to acquire entree in a charter school. The survey suggests that a charter school merely wants the ‘good pupils ‘ . They even noticed that one out of two charter schools fresher will non do it to their senior twelvemonth. Some argue that charter schools do non force pupils out, but supplying a more strict course of study than other schools. Internationalization of universities. Universities all over the universe are working hard to go international recognized. They try to do this possible by making an international campus or international partnerships. The many motives for the internationalisation are commercial advantage, cognition and linguistic communication acquisition. Many universities are making satellite campuses in states around the Earth. The Erasmus Student Network ( ESN ) A is a non-profit international pupil organisation. Their mission is to stand for international pupils, supply chances for cultural apprehension and self-development under the rule ofA pupils assisting pupils. They have different spouses in 34 states. The Erasmus undertaking started in 1987 and in 1994 there were already 60 subdivisions in 14 states. They predict that in 2013 they ‘ll make 3 million exchange pupils. Virtual instruction. Beyond the creative activity of international campuses, there has been a push to supply online classs. Virtual instruction is presenting classs on the cyberspace. It is non instruction in a schoolroom face-to-face, but it can be associated with schoolroom instruction. Peoples do non hold to travel to the existent category to larn a specific class. It ‘s a signifier of distance instruction. It includes independent survey, every bit good as videoconferencing and other instructional engineerings. The World Bank and the UNESCO There are organisations like the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural organisation ( UNESCO ) and the World Bank who are working with developing states to supply support and expertness. From 1990 to 2009 the World Bank Lent over more than 7 billion dollars for instruction undertakings in 106 states. One undertaking is the Second Higher Education Project ( HEP2 ) in Vietnam. On the site of the World Bank ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) stands, that the end is to increase the quality of learning and research to better the employability of alumnuss in Vietnam. The World Bank supports non merely higher instruction, but besides undertakings for primary, secondary and information communicating engineering instruction. Presently there are active undertakings in states such as Argentina, Cambodia and Egypt. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural organisation ( UNESCO ) works to advance entree to instruction. Many of UNESCO ‘s partnerships are with other UN bureaus, it does spouse with the World Bank. UNESCO besides works together with transnational corporations to assist accomplish its end, conveying instruction to all. A few possible transnational information engineering companies are Microsoft and Intel. They help to supply audience, engineering, partnership and the support for undertakings. Non-governmental Organizations In the past 20 old ages at that place has been an tremendous growing in non-governmental organisations ( NGO ‘s ) . Many of them want to recommend for planetary issues such as instruction, poorness decrease and human rights. Despite that these organisations are working at the basic degree, they have had an tremendous impact on the manner the universe is making concern. One of those organisations is the Women ‘s Global Education Project ( WGEP ) , in Senegal and Kenya. It was founded in 2003 and it says that everyone is entitled to an instruction, irrespective of gender or economic position. This undertaking will guarantee that adult females and misss can construct up better lives. Their main plan, Sisters-to-School, provides scholarship for misss to go to school. They are besides supplying tutoring in accomplishing an instruction. The Sisters-to-School plans impact more than 3000 misss, adult females and households. Three positions of planetary instruction in the United States It ‘s non of import to inquire what footings are being used in instruction, but more of import is to see what ‘s the vision and the intent and how it will impact our kids in the hereafter. World powers. This position assumed that the most of import fact of life was the struggle between world powers and the universe hegemony. William J. Benneth, who was the U.S. secretary of instruction, spoke in his address of 5 December 1986 about the demand to larn every bit much as possible about the universe. Those are the planetary duties of the United States as a planetary power. He suggested that planetary instruction should include geographics, foreign linguistic communications, some foreign literature and a good trade of European history. But most of import is that Bennett suggested that the American pupil should larn about American literature, history and particularly democracy. A restriction of this attack is that it ‘s non planetary plenty. There ‘s no instruction about other civilizations or other states. It is really an uncomplete instruction. Global economic. A 2nd position about the demand of planetary instructions handles the international economic competition. Here they say it ‘s non the planetary world power that ‘s the most of import, but it ‘s the economic power, the planetary capitalist economy. It was non the USSR they were afraid of, but the European Union who was quickly deriving economic land. This was non merely economic importance, but besides political, cultural, military, aˆÂ ¦ In 1950 the economic form of the United States was really healthy. But with the events of 11 September 2001 their economical universe crashed. After that some U.S. leaders saw international instruction as a manner to assist keep U.S. economic strength. So they established export instruction plans. The Congress considered that the economic public assistance will depend of the cognition about international economic system, the international accomplishments in the concern community and the consciousness of the internationalisation of their economic system. The southern Governors besides mentioned the job of ‘international illiteracy ‘ in the United States. This will hold a negative consequence on the ability to vie international. In November 1986 came a no-nonsense study that came right to the economic point: Americans have non responded to a basic fact: the best occupations, largest markets, and greatest net incomes belong to those who understand the state with which they are making business.aˆÂ ¦ We operate in a planetary economic system. There are no more guaranteed markets for our goods. We must compete-and to vie we must be able to communicate.aˆÂ ¦ We can non merchandise goods or thoughts unless we understand our clients and they understand us. The consequence was an increased accent in the schools on geographics, international surveies and foreign linguistic communications. There were besides the ‘sister-school ‘ plans and the instructor and pupil exchanges. They even recommended particular educational plans and aid to concerns ( Marciano, J. , 1997 ) . Humanity. A 3rd position is based on the humanity ‘s duty to the persons and the universe. It ‘s about assisting kids all over the universe to understand the mutualist nature of the human universe and besides larn how to hold a originative and responsible portion in it. It besides handles about the effects of doing picks. Not merely the effects to themselves but to the universe. So it ‘s really of import to command the values needed for doing responsible determinations. That ‘s why it is necessary to larn how to believe critically, decide struggles and work out jobs creatively.[ 1 ] Decision Global instruction involves more than merely a basic instruction. When the universe has changed our outlooks and demands besides changed. Students deal with societal issues that make connexions worldwide. Global instruction creates openness to the large universe. It ‘s of import that people know something about the universe and non merely about what lives in their ain societal circles. Global instruction goes farther than cognition, it besides focuses on accomplishments and values so kids take more solidarity actions. When instruction changed, it was of import to detect other signifiers of learning. It was no longer necessary to sit on a chair and watch the chalkboard. Nowadays it ‘s besides possible to analyze behind your computing machine, to make self-study and even to analyze in another state. All this has to be financed. Gradually there came more different schools, like for illustration charter schools and practical schools.Personal remarkAs from I was a small kid, I knew I wanted to make something with people. When I grew taller I realized instruction was something I truly wanted. When I was reading the text I asked myself if it was all planned from the beginning. The unusual thing of all is that about 50 per centum of my schoolmates are working now in the non-profit sector. Can a school or a clump of instructors truly force you subconsciously in a certain way? If I compare my instruction with the instruction of today there ‘s already a large difference. And if my parents saw my instruction, they were besides surprised by the large alterations in merely a few old ages. The twelvemonth after I was graduated there was a new survey, the survey of humanistic disciplines. As we have seen before I think that ‘s the grounds of the ‘third position ‘ . The feelings and motions of people became more and more of import and that was besides seeable in school. There even was a pupil group for the involvements of the pupils. Students could vote who would fall in the group. These pupils could discourse public issues and form things in school. It is even possible to make your last twelvemonth over in another state. Actually I think that ‘s astonishing. I ne'er did it, but if I had the opportunity to make it, I would! It ‘s a great experience that you ‘ll ne'er bury. In my unmarried man instruction I went to the Netherlands for six months. It was a good considered pick, because in all our classs we heard that in the Netherlands they are socially beyond us. The societal sector is more developed than here in Belgium. So because of my hereafter I made the pick to work over at that place. Presents, during interviews, I still hear it ‘s an advantage that I made that pick. Erasmus is non merely of import for larning more about the work, but most of all larning more about you. It ‘s a journey where you learn more about surviving, standing up for yourself, being critical and more independent. In my instructor preparation I besides learned that when you teach, everything has to come from the pupils. It ‘s non the undertaking of the instructor to speak the whole clip, it ‘s the undertaking to take the pupils in the right way. It ‘s non a surprise to see how school has changed the last old ages. It ‘s really logical that everything alterations after seeing what ‘s go oning and needed in other states. As the universe is turning smaller, more and more people want to go and work all over the universe. Because of that it ‘s really of import that the grades are recognized everyplace. It ‘s necessary that when you get your grade in Belgium, it ‘s besides valid in other states. It ‘s interesting to see how many organisations are involved in instruction. As a instructor you frequently merely see what ‘s go oning in the schoolroom or inside the school, but everything around it is really unseeable. School is more than merely a instructor, some pupils, a chalkboard and some books. It truly is a concern.